Monday, December 22, 2008

Cupcake Madness

It all began one lazy Sunday afternoon when it was the regular mahjong sessions for the mums and dads and I went over to my aunt's place for dinner. Who would have known that what was suppose to be a casual conversation with my 3rd aunt unleased my desire to bake. I had an insightful peek into the meticulously complex world of baking and that sparked a wave of baking in my house.

I've never been best friends with flour, butter and sugar. Somehow this combination seems almost impossible to handle. I remember my first cupcake baking experience resulted in a sunken valley, which I sheepishly tried to hide with the help of buttercream. So when I related that incident to my aunt, she generously shared her fail-proof cupcake recipe and imparted her touch of magic to me.

Equipped and excited, I was ready to conquer the trio again. A game of badminton with my cell group provided the perfect opportunity. After an hour and a half, along with my 2nd aunt who came by my house....

I made my first batch of Chocolate Banana Cupcakes!
You don't know how esctatic I was when I saw my cupcakes rise....

From then on, my Teka oven and Kenwood mixer became my best friends. Now I know why people can bake all day, it's truly therapeutic! The only thing I had to get pass was the monotony of weighing :P And so I went on a baking spree....

Apple Cinammon

I had 3 at one go...

Oreo Chocolate

Orange Almond . Apple Cinammon

Orange Chocolate with Marsh

Sunken Marsh has never looked prettier :)

Chocolate Chip with Marsh & Skittles

The happiest looking cupcakes

And we did something fun for dinner tonight! It was a snack I got from Nigella's TV show and she was doing TV dinners. It's a simple pan-fried mozerella sandwich. Nothing elaborate and fancy, but it was a whole lot of fun eating it!

My sister's first attempt.

And then my mum decided to join in the fun.

An attempt at the Guinness Book of World Records.

I wasn't gonna lose to her.

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